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A dental implant is a titanium screw that can replace at missing or failing root of a tooth and support replacement teeth, such as crowns, bridges and dentures. Implant treatment is increasingly being used to solve many functional and aesthetic dental problems.

To begin your treatment, the first step is to check whether you are eligible. Your dentist will assess your eligibility during the consultation visit.


Ten benefits of implants:

  1. Look, feel and function the same as natural teeth

  2. Confidence of a completely natural smile

  3. Ability to eat, talk and laugh normally

  4. Facial profile and gum vitality are maintained

  5. No loose or uncomfortable dentures

  6. No need to damage the adjacent teeth, such as with conventional bridgework

  7. Restorations secured with implants are as firm as natural teeth

  8. With appropriate care, dental implants can last a lifetime

  9. Cost-effective in the long term compared with other types of restoration

  10. High treatment success rates


Situations where implants can be used:

  1. Replacing one or more missing teeth with individual implant-supported single crowns

  2. Replacing fixed bridges or partial dentures with an implant-supported bridge

  3. Stopping a full denture from moving around

  4. Replacing a full denture with a full arch bridge

before and after of dental implant
before and after of dental implant

To book your Consultation with Dr Gerry Davies call Reception on 01249 477001

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